Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I’d like to sleep for one more hour or two… hour or two…

Sometimes life gets so hectic that you forget where youre going.
What you're actually here to do. What you want to do. What you're excited about doing.
You just get reeled into the business of things going on,
that you lose the excitement for them,
you just jump from one thing to the next
because there's no time to stop and consider any other direction to go.

Time is precious.
i have no where near enough time to do the things i'd like to do.
the things i need to do.
the things i ought to do.

and so we go on, with all this time piling up on a back order of things to be done that we dont have time to do.

Maybe this is an opportunity to give new years hopes a go.
What do i want to do?

Id love to be more excited about our youthgroups, rather than get to every friday evening exhausted and thinking how lovely it'd be to take a night off.

I'd love to be more excited about our cell group. and actually go to it for once.

I'd love to have time to read more. and not take four months to get through one book. and maybe make a positive inpact on my 'to read' pile rather than it growing at a quicker rate than im reading.

I'd love to have time to go for coffee [tea] with more people. any people.

I'd love to have time to visit people. Ireland. Bristol. Nottingham. Farringdon...

I'd love to remember to write to people more often. letters are like golddust. i should send the four letters that ive started writing to polly.

I'd love to have more time to spend with people that matter, so that i can enjoy working without feeling like i'd rather be with them.

I'd love to be able to take some time for myself, some time for god, some time to think, some time to be fed.
beacuse its hard to give out when youre not taking in.

I'd love to be able to get through a day without feeling tired. to be able to have a lie in at least once a week. or at least not to feel constantly in need of one.

I'd like to sleep for one more hour or two... hour or two...

i want to enjoy my life without it rushing past so quickly that you dont see it disapearing.
I want my time back.
I want my vision back please.


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