Wednesday, May 03, 2006

and im smothered in memories and you are too

Monday was a Nothingness day.
Bank holidays are always strange, but this one was the strangest yet. The town was near deserted at 9.30 in the morning, but not peacefully deserted, there was a sad and lonely air about it.
but that might have been the rain.

It felt like an extra day had been inserted into the world that we somehow had to fill in order to continue with our ordinary lives. and yet no one really knew how.

School feels like that at the moment.
the lessons feel as if they're just trying to pass the time by until we have to leave. And in a way i wish they'd hurry up and pass by so i could get on with my life. and in another way, i wish i could stay in this middle ground of nothingness, so as to hold onto my life as i know it, to keep my memories in the present, rather than pushing them into the past.

Life scares me. but its exciting too. its that rollercoaster fear. bring on the summer and the nothingness days.
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