Wednesday, May 03, 2006

cherry red clouds come up for the sun

These are my spring shoes. they hurt my feet but i wear them anyway, i wear them to urge summer forwards. It hasnt worked yet. Spring is absolutely definately here, if anything its about to run away. you can tell by the tissues which make a reappearance with hayfever season, not forgetting the puffy eyes - portable fan glasses are the way forwards. it isnt spring until snows fallen on the daffodils. bluebells bring colour to the woods. how can we forget baby sheep. the smell of freshly cut grass. the sun reminds us of what it looks like. the stars grace us with their presence through cloudless nights. the ability to leave the house without a coat. abandon the scarves and the gloves. put away the blankets and the winter pjamas. the nights get later. beautiful sunsets. warm evenings beginning to lengthen. beer garden weather. sunny mornings are easier to welcome. fresh white sheets and a spring cleaned room. the approach of exams. fire drills are no longer met with a groan. the windows are finally opened in the common room. ducklings brave the water. chicks brave the sky. sleepy bees.

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Blogger NBrooke said...

So basically this is about shoes right?! :P loves ya. sheep. they is called lambs. xxxx

6:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elderly Subsidized Housing

1:04 am  

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