oh summer summer where have you been....
... with your kiss curl cloud skies, and your evil alien lazer beams ...
flipflops and skirts. yellow tinted sunglasses guide us in a world of sunshine happiness. suntan lotion.
or lack of, red skin, brown toes. late summer evenings. bright early mornings, no need for an alarm clock. throw off the duvets. cotton sheets are the way forward. too hot for curry. iced coffee. yuck. forget the coats. forget the jumpers. bare shoulders face the sun. it IS always rainbows and butterflies. sandy beaches.
the water's still cold. too hot to move. to do anything [especially work]. lazy days.
colour. light bursts in at every opportunity. plans. ideas. stay up all night weather. thunderstorms.
i check the weather whereever you are
because i want to know if you can see the stars tonight.
im impatient with exams. revision. is like a prison, holding me back from summer.
the end is in sight.
These are the days that I've been missing,
Give me the taste, give me the joy of summer wine.