How much easier would it be if we were honest with each other. If we were honest about our feelings, and talked to people about how we felt, honestly. we are so british, and its all "how are you? im good thankyou so much for asking how are you? im great thanks!" Its not often you hear people say "well actually im not that great and ive had an awful day and ...."
I was once listening to Mike Yaconneli talk at greenbelt a few years ago, and something he said made me think, i cant remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of, if people were honest when asked how they are and go on to spend the next 10 minutes telling that person exactly how they are and how their day had been and what theyd done and how they felt, would people still ask? When you ask someone "how are you?" do you really care how they are? even if it means listening to them moan for the next 10 minutes [half an hour] or maybe it means listening to them give thanks for the next 10 minutes [half an hour], or do you just ask because its the polite british thing to do, and you know they'll just reply with a "im good thanks" and you can move swiftly on?... just a thought
I think i'll try and make sure i only ask people how they are if i care how they are, or maybe i should just try and care how people are more. And i think next time someone asks how i am, im going to be honest, and tell them how i am and how my day has been and what ive done and how i felt. and that way if they care, then at least im being honest, after all if someone really cares about you and how you are, why lie to them? and if they dont care, then it serves them right for asking how i am without caring!
Sometimes i wish humans had colours that they turned when they felt certain emotions or something. itd make life so much easier! although i appreciate it could make life alot harder, and more embarrasing, that is, obviously, why God didnt make us turn orange when we're hungry, and pink when we're in love, and green when we're overly jealous of someone.
But still, sometimes i think itd be so much easier to make a desicion or to do something if i knew how the other person felt about it.
I guess thats a risk we take, and its a step of trust and faith.