Monday, June 27, 2005

These foolish things...

Posted by Hello

Scoubidous... The latest trend in the primary school playground, as i was informed by the girl i babysit for! They're really quite fascinating, and ive just spent an evening making one... whatever they are. i didnt want to ask, she already thought me stupid enough for not having made one before. The babysitters number one rule: to be cool!

There is always a craze in the playground, and they always get banned! Yo-yos, beads, pogs, Tamagotchis, marbles, hula-hoops, shrunken crisp packets, cats cradle, french skipping, conkers, Pokemon, transformers, sticker albulms, the snapping bracelets, multicoloured sherbert, oh and so many more!
of course they're all quite girly, the boys tended to have crazes like mercy, and chinese burns. i still remember the boy that gave me my first chinese burn... he was nasty! the experience scarred me for life!

Monday, June 20, 2005

somedays sweet like honey

©Paul and HannahPosted by Hello

After watching Bob Geldof in Africa, i was left quite breath taken. The vast lands of peace and endless time that is home to people living in such a different culture to us, is hard to take in, and its so hard to imagine how these people live without all the modern ways we're used to, and yet their lives are so beautifully simple and laid back.
In one sense it reminds me of how grateful we should be to have everything that we have, but in another it reminds me that its not impossible to live without the luxuries we take for granted.

When they catch a bus, it doesnt leave at a set time, but just waits until the bus is full before it goes anywhere. i kinda like that. although you'd never get anywhere on time, and you'd always be late, then again they have no worries about time or indeed about anything. what a lovely way to live, to just be able to go about your day and take things as they come and if you get into town by midday, then you get into town by midday, and if you dont get into town until late afternoon, well then you dont get into town until late afternoon.

Somedays in life are sweet like honey.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

he loves me... he loves me not...

Posted by Hello

How much easier would it be if we were honest with each other. If we were honest about our feelings, and talked to people about how we felt, honestly. we are so british, and its all "how are you? im good thankyou so much for asking how are you? im great thanks!" Its not often you hear people say "well actually im not that great and ive had an awful day and ...."

I was once listening to Mike Yaconneli talk at greenbelt a few years ago, and something he said made me think, i cant remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of, if people were honest when asked how they are and go on to spend the next 10 minutes telling that person exactly how they are and how their day had been and what theyd done and how they felt, would people still ask? When you ask someone "how are you?" do you really care how they are? even if it means listening to them moan for the next 10 minutes [half an hour] or maybe it means listening to them give thanks for the next 10 minutes [half an hour], or do you just ask because its the polite british thing to do, and you know they'll just reply with a "im good thanks" and you can move swiftly on?... just a thought

I think i'll try and make sure i only ask people how they are if i care how they are, or maybe i should just try and care how people are more. And i think next time someone asks how i am, im going to be honest, and tell them how i am and how my day has been and what ive done and how i felt. and that way if they care, then at least im being honest, after all if someone really cares about you and how you are, why lie to them? and if they dont care, then it serves them right for asking how i am without caring!

Sometimes i wish humans had colours that they turned when they felt certain emotions or something. itd make life so much easier! although i appreciate it could make life alot harder, and more embarrasing, that is, obviously, why God didnt make us turn orange when we're hungry, and pink when we're in love, and green when we're overly jealous of someone.
But still, sometimes i think itd be so much easier to make a desicion or to do something if i knew how the other person felt about it.

I guess thats a risk we take, and its a step of trust and faith.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

...the sun through yellow curtains and a rainbow on my wall

Posted by Hello

I was walking with my parents today and a girl walked past and smiled and said hello, and naturally once she was past and out of hearing, my parents asked 'who was that!?' and having told them id never met the girl in my life, they seemed quite shocked that a stranger would say hello!

i like that, i like that about Greenbelt and Soul Survivor, people are friendly and smiley and say hello regardless of whether they know you. if only everyone were happy in the world! it makes life so much more pleasant and we've got so much to be happy for!

I do this thing when im at school or in town, where i walk along the corridors or streets and smile at everyone and see how many people smile back! [i just get bored!!] the results arent great....
no one smiles nowadays, apparently, according to 'This morning' [i was on study leave ok!? it was more interesting than graphics!!],

"in the 1950's people used to laugh 18 minutes a day, but today we laugh not more than 6 minutes per day"
6 minutes!! thats appalling!! i shall make it my mission to laugh for more than 6 minutes a day!!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

... to be honest i just feel sorry for the postman

choices choices choices Posted by Hello

cant i just go to all of them!? its kinda scary to think that one choice i make could alter what i do with the rest of my life. how great itd be to suddenly get a note from God saying 'this is what you're going to do!' itd make choosing which uni to go to, and which course to do, alot easier. but itd make life alot more boring! so im thinking History courses... medieval and early modern history, and the only universitys that do that is
  • aberystywth [which id need to learn to pronounce before i decide to go there!]
  • bangor [which quite frankly is in the middle of no where]
  • lampeter [ditto]
  • lancaster
  • leicester
  • manchester [nuh uh]
  • reading
  • st andrews [practically the other side of the world]

So really its between lancaster leicester and reading if i did that course. but i dont know maybe i dont even want to do that course! oo i dont know...

another idea was to do history of art and architechture at reading, because id love to do history of architecture, i dont want to learn to draw buildings i just want to learn about the designs of them, edingburgh is the only place that does history of architecture on its own but thats miles away!!

Friday, June 03, 2005

chronicle of wasted time

Posted by Hello

... after a day of trying to avoid revision and numerous cups of tea i decided to do something productive and try starting this blog that ive had sitting around on my 'things to do on a rainy day' list. i dont quite know what im going to put on here, but for the time being i'll leave you with a picture to proove that ive been revising! kind of...