Friday, July 01, 2005

Blow winds and come you rainclouds... gather over my head...

Storms swept across England last week, as signs of Global warming start to take effect! and do we take notice? ... i think not!

I love thunder storms, and these thunder storms were truly amazing! We sat in the kitchen for a good hour with the lights off, and a cup of tea, watching the sheets of lightening fill the room with blinding light and then return to darkness.

They were honestly the biggest flashes of lightening and claps of thunder ive seen and heard in years! and i could have sat there for hours! had i been alone, i may have been slightly less enthusiastic to sit in a dark room watching the lightening, but thankfully i wasnt, and ironically it was somewhat peaceful.

Had i been dressed appropriately and come prepared with a spare set of clothes id have happily gone out in the rain that was just awesome! The raindrops were as big as jellybabies! Promise! As it was i wasnt and hadnt, and made a quick dash from the car and managed to get only partially soaked, unlike two certain clever people who thought theyd walk home and be manly and not accept the lift from the cinema!

Weather is amazing, and it scares me sometimes. Its one thing that we humans can do nothing about. When it gets to a certain extremity there is almost nothing we can do to protect ourselves from it, and it can be lethal. the Tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, we cant hide from extreme weather, wellington boots and umbrellas wont protect us from weather forever, and thats quite unnerving.


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